Veterans: Congressman Stewart's office is excited to partner with Utah
Honor Flight in hosting a Veterans History Project Workshop on Wednesday, April
19th at 4:00 pm in St. George at the St. George Library located at 88 West 100
South, St. George, Utah.
The workshop will be a training for guardians, students,
family members and friends of veterans who would like to start collecting
veteran(s)' oral and written histories. This training is not for the actual
veterans, as the training will be for individuals conducting the interviews
with veterans. This is an awesome opportunity for guardians to learn how to
best record their veteran's stories and submit them to the Library of Congress.
Please share this information with your fellow guardians and friends.
The oral and written histories are collected and submitted
to the Library of Congress to be included in the archives and for research. To
learn more about the Project you can go to the following website: ABOVE is the link to the flyer for the event. Please RSVP by
emailing Candice Pierucci at